Ms. Pinta's Physical Science Parent Portal

This blog will serve as a way to share and communicate what my students are learning in physical science. I hope that what you find here is useful, interesting, and informative. I will post weekly updates of classroom activities, projects, and related articles. Please feel free to join in the conversation concerning weekly topics. I will share your comments and feedback with the students. I think that they will be excited to hear what their parents have to say about the topics that we will cover!

Monday, February 27, 2012

If I Were a Scientist What Kind of Scientist Would I Be?

In our last unit Ms. Pinta's physical science students investigated how objects move. . .how to analyze and measure motion as well as how to explain, using Newton's Laws, why objects move the way that they do.  We concluded the unit by asking the MYP question "What moves me?"  We accomplished this last week by investigating the question "What kind of scientist would I be?"  As they investigated different scientific fields they attempted to relate their career choice to their life goals, interests, and learning/thinking styles.  They also connected their interest in their chosen profession to the legacy of the scientific field to future generations.  This week's SDS also focuses on answering the MYP question.  Students are to view the trailer and several clips from the newly released movie "Finding Joe," which I had the opportunity to see (and meet the director/writer) in Seattle this fall.  If you haven't heard of the video I would strongly encourage you to take a look.  The video is inspired by the work of Joseph Campbell whose work was dependent on both the teachings and theories of Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung.  Campbell's best known work concerns