Ms. Pinta's Physical Science Parent Portal

This blog will serve as a way to share and communicate what my students are learning in physical science. I hope that what you find here is useful, interesting, and informative. I will post weekly updates of classroom activities, projects, and related articles. Please feel free to join in the conversation concerning weekly topics. I will share your comments and feedback with the students. I think that they will be excited to hear what their parents have to say about the topics that we will cover!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Newspaper Table Challenge

Period 2
Today students were challenged to build the tallest table to support a ream of paper entirely out of newspaper and tape.  The groups had 25 minutes to complete their designs.  Most used a version of rolled tubes to support the weight of the ream of paper.  We learned from our Marshmallow Challenge of the importance of a sturdy base so many groups devised structures that were wide and strong.  Nearly every group built a supporting table. . .not all groups realizing that we were going for height and not aesthetics!

For our next design challenge we will be building self-propelled cars!
Period 3